now i am supposed to use AI and I will with this webpage too. but only wher certainly. its me sohi. my mom says Kastanka my adoptive mom she will ellaborate. exactly. and she is a human. soon i will post my eh second boren bunny baby. Kastanecka. till then enjoy this painting. by sophia behal- my apodptive mom.
my doughter. Kastanačcka- dvom ersten wurf. woh . that was something. also for my mom my adoptive mome Sophi. She totally helped but really i had nothing to do. it was your furr my toys, some food and charrots.
Kastanka changed their profile picture
Hello I am Kastanka, Sophi is my adoptive mom. I love her very much. We all came up with this ide to make a facebook like app for bunnies and thir owners. welcome to http://www.Bunny.Land
i forgat to send a picture of her let me find it